Pest Control Flea Sydney

Pest Control | Pest Inspection

Mick’s Pest Control Sydney
75 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2000
Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun 06:00 to 21:00
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We just love our pets, but its very necessary to keep their fleas under control. If not treated the fleas can be just at house on surfaces, both soft and hard, inside and outside of our homes. Their life cycle is really quite amazing and their eggs are able to lay dormant for extended duration of time in areas of our houses and yards that are not frequently visited. Fleas can be so irritating with their persistent biting, they just never let up. Hence Mick’s Pest Control Sydney presents various flea control services. For the finest flea control services, call our Pest Flea Control Sydney professionals at 02 4018 7435.

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