Meet the founder


My name is Roger Perrett, I am the founder at MoreDone. My claim to fame is that I have developed the website to assist time–poor parents save time, achieve more and have more fun.

Our members go from feeling frantic & overwhelmed because things aren’t getting done, to having more time for fun, family and for passions. They feel more energised being back in control of their life and feeling greater satisfaction from achieving more. Just like before kids!


From assisting customers achieve their financial goals for the last 20 years, I have found that customers do not have enough time to get everything done. From day-to-day tasks to achieving their bigger goals, things are being neglected. Whether it is their relationships, their belongings or, their health, most parents wish they had more time.

I realised they need a simple tool to;

  • Gain clarity on what and when they need to-do
  • Steps on how to achieve their bigger goals
  • Who can assist them get there

As seen in


The problem to solve

Parents today have less time as they work to meet the higher costs of large mortgages and houses are also bigger and require more maintenance. There is also a trend where kids are doing more organised activities, rather than playing in the street with friends, that occurred when we were kids.

The consequences

Parents today are getting frustrated with themselves or, with their partners because tasks aren’t getting done. This is leaving us stressed, burnt out and overwhelmed potentially leading to health and relationship problems. There are also financial consequences with late fees, fines and extra costs when maintenance been neglected or, for last minute bookings.

Our solution

MoreDone is an Automated Organiser that solves these problems where it automates, predicts, simplifies and reminds what you need to–do and when. The site also provides resources, including products & services and our community to help you get things done.

Imagine this

Imagine weekends having more time for fun, family and for passions. Imagine being energised and back in control of your life with satisfaction and recognition of achieving more.

My beliefs 

I believe we can all do more, in less time especially with technology making things simple. I believe to achieve anything we need to get the right tasks, in the right order, on our to-do lists. We also need to remove the unnecessary steps and inefficiencies, to make it easy and have resources to assist.


As a father with young children, I too have been challenged when the kids came along with how to juggle everything that I have needed to do to feel the satisfaction of achievement, as well as the feeling of enjoyment when doing things I love with my family and friends. I have created the site to not only achieve more myself, but to help others too.

I have also created MoreDone because it is the intersection of two things that I love doing - learning secrets of success and sharing them with others.

My vision

My vision is to now help in the achievement of 1,000,000 goals globally.

From here

When you use, MoreDone you can expect it completes almost all steps in goal achievement, except for decision making.

Some quick wins will be that you will have a to-do list written for you in minutes, have service providers automatically linked to your tasks and have access to our community, to assist when you are in need for recommendations.

If you talk to our community they’ll tell you we are best known for having giving you more time to have fun and achieving more. We make people feel more energised, organised, satisfied and back in control of their lives.

I hope you enjoy the experience, 




Press availability - I am available for journalists to discuss the following subjects

  • Goal setting
  • Time management
  • Strategies for parents & high performance

I can be contacted directly on 0412 004 665 or


Have More Time for FUN!

We believe that life should be about spending time doing the things you love.

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