Do you enjoy reading blogs?

Picture this,

you have read a great blog, perhaps watched an awesome YouTube video or, even read an engaging social media post. The influencer was engaging, had great ideas and really explained things well. You are on your way and stoked that you have found a solution.

There may have been:

  • Links that opened up other web pages with suggested products and services.
  • Headings or perhaps a list as a summary at the end of the post.

The problem is though,

we may action only part of the post or, none at all.

The valuable content is an opportunity gone missing. This is because:

  • The ideas are hard to all remember – With multiple ideas, we usually only retain one or two points and unless we see it again in the near term, it is forgotten. Unless everything is actioned immediately, we end up with a half done job.
  • We do not always have the time - to implement a full list straight away. We may need to tick-off bite size chunks to get things done.

We miss out on the real value from the knowledge of the author or presenter.

What we really need is

the actionable steps get to make it to our to-do list so it remains in our focus, easy to action and remember.

The best solution for influencers’ is to provide their audience the same summary or list but in a to-do list format that can not only be read, but can be:

  1. Saved,
  2. Actioned &
  3. Completed

The next time

you read, listen or watch great content that informs, perhaps suggest to the influencer that they include a link to the action items in a MoreDone to-do list. You can also send the link to this page in the comments section of the post.

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