Flea Control Service Canberra

Pest Control

Flea Control Service Canberra | Owner
2 Phillip Law Street, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2601
Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun 06:00 to 21:00
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Sams Pest Control Canberra built in 2004. Flea is an insect that is also found inside animals and they make them sick. For this we have brought a very good service for you which is named Flea Control Service Canberra. Our expert team at Canberra is well trained and qualified to provide a range of effective ant control solutions. The flea removal chemicals used are safe and non-dangerous. We will take care of your needs or adopt your needs. We use a good term of quality. For more information you can check the website or social site.

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