Bid at an auction - the best 10 tips bidding on a house

Ensure all the property & finance checks have been completed.


Visit other auctions so you are very familiar with the process. Even see the same auctioneer in action, for the property you are bidding on.

Real Estate For Sale
 Guide's Suggestion

Know your purchase price limit & vow to stick to it

Mortgage Broker
Peer Wealth

Register with plenty of time & collect a bidders paddle. Remember your ID too.

Real Estate For Sale
Ray White - Freshwater

Say hello to the auctioneer, as you want them to like you. Stand in a position where the auctioneer can clearly see you & you can see potential bidders too.

Real Estate Buyers Agents
PMC Property Buyers

Make a bid to brush away the nerves. Use different non-round number bids or, price increases, to slow the pace. Make confident bids - especially when the property is on the market & when near your price limit.

Real Estate Agents
Ray White - Freshwater

Watch the body language of other bidders, as they may indicate their price limit

Real Estate Buyers Agents
PMC Property Buyers

Do not be bluffed by the auctioneer counting 1st & 2nd call, as the property wont sell until it passes the reserve. Even ask the Auctioneer.

Real Estate Agents
Ray White - Freshwater

Consider using a buyers agent to bid for you

Real Estate Buyers Agents
PMC Property Buyers

You are now ready. All the best!


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