Get More from MoreDone

Besides listing your business, we have put together a list of things you can do, to really ensure your success on the MoreDone platform.

1. Create a public task or to-do list that your business can solve

This is easy to-do and is a great strategy to create credibility as people buy ideas first. You can then:

  • Link your business as the supplier to the relevant task in your list to generate sales.
  • Link your referral partners businesses too.

Here is the link to the benefits and how to be a Guide

2. Use MoreDone as your Automatic Life Organiser

Get the benefits personally for using MoreDone as well as see how it works for your customers too.

3. Suggest to your existing customers to save your business listing.

This also has the added benefit that competitors will not be listed adjacent to your customer’s tasks too. Some ideas could be to:

  • Sending an email to your customer
  • Add a link on your Invoices, email signature and on your website too

4. Make a social media post

Attach a link to your MoreDone business page or public to-do list via Facebook, Twitter or your social media platform of choice. Businesses always need great content and sending your page will help increase sales.

5. Respond quickly to customer enquiries & wow them!


6. Subscribe to our blog 

Posts with best practice ideas to help grow your business

7. Oh, and List your business if you haven’t done so yet. :)


List your business

If you have not done so already

Get More Repeat Customers

Start automatically receiving sales from new and existing customers

List your Business for FREE!

You already have a project/task with that title!

This task is already in your to-do list with a reminder set on . Would you like to add an additional task, or update the existing task/project to be due now?