Same day dental crown


Cathel Jose
29 Florence Street, Newstead, QLD, Australia, 4005
00:00 to 00:00
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A same-day dental crown is a revolutionary solution that allows you to restore your smile in a single dental appointment. Using advanced technology, your dentist can create and place a custom crown on the same day, eliminating the need for multiple visits and temporary restorations. This innovation provides convenience, accuracy, and immediate results, making it a game-changer in modern dental care. New Directions Dentistry offers general dentistry in Queensland, Australia. We take a holistic approach to general dentistry and will recommend natural therapies where possible. We also focus on nutrition which is a major influence on dental health. We strongly emphasise mercury safe, mercury-free, restorative dentistry using biocompatible materials, therefore does not support the use of amalgam 'mercury' fillings.

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