Bed Bugs Pest Control Brisbane

Pest Control

324 Queen Street, Brisbane City, QLD, Australia, 4000
Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun 06:00 to 21:00
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711 Pest Control Brisbane is one of the most professional and reputed Bed Bugs Pest Control Brisbane. We offers many different pest control services one of which is bed bugs pest control. Bed Bugs cannot kill human beings but that doesn't mean that it is not dangerous at all. As Bugs feeds on human bloods so it can cause many severe problems to human health. It is necessary to eradicate bed bugs from all nearby places and it is not so easy. Our Professionals provides very efficient solutions to completely eradicate these bugs. Our members are working very well for removing these bugs using eco-friendly and efficient tools. We are providing service at very reasonable price. For any queries, feel free to contact us at: 07 3062 8254 Our other services are: • Fleas Control • Termite Control • Spider Control • Silverfish Control • Rodent Control • Possum Removal • Flies Control • Cockroach Control • Bee Removal • Ant Control For more information, contact us via mail: info ID:

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