Ant Removal Perth

Pest Control

Mick’s Pest Control Perth
3A Primrose Street, Perth, WA, Australia, 6000
Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun 06:00 to 21:00
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Ants are a pest not usually seen until they are inside causing a bother. By then, they are already in epidemic proportions, especially since they love nesting inside walls and paving. Coastal Brown Ants, Argentine Ants, Black House Ants, and White Footed House Ants are Perth’s most tenacious pests. Mick’s Pest Control Perth will assist you with all the solutions to get rid of those irritating ants! We treat ants by combining ant baiting to kill them, with repellent and nonrepellent residual barriers to control them. Exploring for the pets’ friendly ant control? Our ant control Perth team aims to make your home ant-free. Moreover, we let you live on an ant-free premise by giving eco-safe treatments. Our professionals also control ants at reasonable pricing in Perth. Ant Removal Perth has fully related specialists for ant removal.

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