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Does this sound like you?

After having kids I was confronted with the challenge of having so much more to-do. I love being productive yet, I felt pressed with not enough time for everything.

When I spoke to friends, they didn't have time to get everything done too. Whether it is relationships, maintaining our belongings, health & interests, I discovered that most parents wish they had more time.

The cause

The reason we have minimal time is often due to both parents having to work to meet costs of large mortgages. Kids are doing more organised activities rather than playing in the street that occurred when I was a kid. Also, things don't last as long, so need to be repaired/replaced, which also takes time.

The consequences

Parents get frustrated with themselves or, with their partners, because day-to-day tasks are not getting done. This is leaving people stressed, burnt out & overwhelmed, potentially leading to health & relationship problems. There are also financial consequences from extra costs when maintenance has been neglected or, from last minute bookings & late fees.

This realisation was my motivation that I needed to create a solution.

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